School Uniform
Our school uniform shows that pupils belong to our school community and should be worn with pride. School Uniform is a requirement for all of our pupils. The school expects all parents who accept a place at the Lime Trust to comply with the school uniform standards.
To provide a consistent approach to our school uniform which reflects the school’s ethos of high standards and promotes good behaviour and equality. All items can be brought in clothes departments of larger supermarkets or department stores, e.g. Asda, Tesco, Sainsburys, Marks, and Spencer. By choosing generic trousers, skirts, and polo shirts we have ensured a reasonable price for all items.
That pupils dress with the school’s identity and high standards in mind
To ensure a smart and practical uniform, which is affordable.
That our uniform reflects our standards, ensuring respect and safety
That the uniform enables all pupils to be identified as a part of the Lime Academy Forest Approach and treated equally.
Support for uniform
The school will always source the best value-for-money options for our families, ensuring durability and quality. If any parent finds that they are having financial difficulties they are welcome to speak to a member of the Senior Leadership Team to discuss the matter.
This policy has been written in line with the Department for Education’s guidelines on a uniform.
Grey / Black Trousers
Grey / Black Jogging Bottoms
Grey / Black Shorts
Grey / Black Skirt
Green and white gingham school dress
White Polo Shirt / Green Polo Shirt
Green jumper / sweatshirt / fleece, Grey / Black / White Socks, Grey / Black Tights Sensible, flat black shoes, boots or trainers
Headwear for cultural or religious reasons may be worn, e.g. Hijab, Turban etc., but must be plain in colour. Outdoor hats should be removed inside the school premises but helmets / hats worn for medical / physiotherapy purposes are permitted.
White T Shirt
Black / grey shorts or jogging bottoms
Black plimsolls
Green sweatshirt with the Lime Academy Forest Approach logo
All items of school uniform must be clearly named to ensure their safe return. The school does not accept responsibility for misplaced items.
Children are allowed to wear:
One pair of plain, small stud earrings, silver or gold (no stones set into them) these must be removed for any PE activity.
Wristwatch, this must be removed for any PE activity.
No other jewellery is allowed.
In the interests of fairness and consistency across the school, parents / carers must accept the Head of School / Deputy Head of School’s decision on all uniform matters. We will always try to act in a reasonable manner and involve parents at an early stage.